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Fish Symbolism & Meanings
(Includes Crustaceans)

Below is a list of all Fish Symbolism & Meanings articles (including Crustaceans). More are added every week so check back often! Scroll down to below the articles or click to read about Fish Symbolism & Meanings.

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Angelfish Symbolism & Meaning

If you're looking to develop a genuine connection with the Divine, working with Angelfish as Spirit Guide and Power Animal is ideal. Angelfish spend their lives in the warm tropical waters. The colorful creature corresponds with the Water Element, Spirit ...
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Barracuda Symbolism & Meaning

Barracuda, as a Spirit Animal Guide, arrives in your life when you're about to embark on an adventure; this creature also comes as a guide to those who are seeking a fast way out of a troubling situation. Read on ...
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Carp Symbolism & Meaning

Carps struggle as they move their way up through the rive tributaries where they dwell; this behavior causes the aquatic creature to represent courage, ambition, and perseverance. Explore Carp symbolism and meaning now to find out more about what this ...
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Catfish Symbolism & Meaning

Catfish are so named for the barbels extending from their face which all them to sense what's in thier watery environment. As such, Catfish represent awareness and psychic sensitivity. Explore Catfish symbolism and meaning now to discover the symbolic significance ...
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Clam Symbolism & Meaning

Clams have photoreceptors serving as part of their natural system of defense. When there is a shift in light, Clam detects it, and acts accordingly, by diving for cover and hiding. As such, these creatures are symbols for self-preservation, survival, ...
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Coral Symbolism & Meaning

Coral comes in a variety of colors. Each hue gives this creature a different shade in terms of symbolic significance. Red Coral may relate to your strength and vitality, while Pink Coral might relate to matters of the heart. Find ...
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Crab Symbolism & Meaning

Finding it hard to go with the flow? Is emotional vulnerability hard for you? Do you want to go in a new direction but feel stuck? Crab as a Spirit, Totem, and Power Animal can help! Crab teaches how to ...
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Eel Symbolism & Meaning

Want to expand your awareness? Need help navigating a sensitive situation? Eel as a Spirit, Totem, and Power Animal can help! Eel teaches how to harness Kundalini energy and to protect yourself from negativity! Delve deeply into Eel symbolism and ...
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Fish Symbolism & Meaning

Fish symbolism and meaning may go unnoticed because this stealthy but fleet animal swims in the depths, off your radar. Swimming into Fish symbolism and meanings, it's important to consider these creatures intimate and life-sustaining relationship with Water. While we ...
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Guppy Symbolism & Meaning

[the_ad id="717391"] The Guppy embraces adaptability. While its native home was Barbados, Brazil, Trinidad, the Antilles and Venezuela, the fish happily swims in waters in nearly every country in the world, even somewhat brackish ones, save Antarctica. Despite the diversity, ...
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Jellyfish Symbolism & Meaning

Jellyfish is among the world's most ancient creatures, arriving before the infamous Dinosaur. To look at a Jellyfish, you almost feel transported to childhood peeks through a kaleidoscope. Their colors include purple, pink and yellow with some even having the ...
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Koi Symbolism & Meaning

Want a greater sense of unity with your family? Does serenity always seem just out of reach? Koi as a Spirit, Totem, and Power Animal can help! Koi teaches to live in reciprocity with all of nature! Delve deeply in ...
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Land & Sea Snails Symbolism & Meaning

Feeling low on energy all the time? Want to have more time to pursue your passion? Snail as a Spirit, Totem, and Power Animal can help! Snail teaches how to conserve energy all while showing you how to live more ...
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Lobster Symbolism & Meaning

[the_ad id="717391"] It might seem inconceivable, but there was a time in North America when Lobsters were so plentiful, written documents report them piling up at the shoreline up to 2-feet high. Because of the reports, Lobster immediately gains associations ...
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Manta Ray Symbolism & Meaning

Do you often promise more than you're capable of delivering? Feeling uncomfortable and anxious whenever you try something new? Manta Ray as a Spirit, Totem, and Power Animal can help! Manta Ray teaches you how to stop overextending yourself all ...
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Narwhal Symbolism & Meaning

Narwhal Table of Contents Narwhal Symbolism & Meaning Spirit Animal Totem Animal Power Animal Arctic Symbolism Celtic Symbolism Narwhal Dreams Back to all Fish & Crustaceans Back to all Spirit Animal Meanings Narwhal Symbolism & Meaning A massive resident of ...
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Octopus Symbolism & Meaning

Trying to strengthen your memory? Looking to get greater control over your emotions? Octopus as a Spirit, Totem, and Power Animal can help! Octopus teaches you how to focus on what's most important and understand your feelings. Delve deeply in ...
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Oyster Symbolism & Meaning

[the_ad id="717391"] When it comes to being tight-lipped, Oyster ranks highly among Animal Helpers. Being silent is a powerful thing. That is when the voice of the Divine can speak through the fray of daily life. Oyster knows this, living ...
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Puffer Fish Symbolism & Meaning

[the_ad id="717391"] Are you feeling intimidated or need to stand up to bullies? Do you wish you could enjoy life's pleasures without feeling trod on by others? If you need help developing confidence and assertiveness without going to the extreme ...
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Salmon Symbolism & Meaning

Salmon swim against the tides and currents to return to their native origins when spawning season begins. Their trailblazing action is an emblem of commitment and persevering in the face of seemingly insurmountable odds. Explore Salmon symbolism and meaning now ...
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Sea Urchin Symbolism & Meaning

The Sea Urchin has been around for at least 488 million years, making it a well-informed observer of the Earth's history and human development. Two aspects stand out in Sea Urchin's form-its five-petal pattern and spikes radiating out all around ...
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Seahorse Symbolism & Meaning

Are you feeling too small to successfully navigate the choppy waters of life? Does someone you know need 'dad of the year' energy, right now? Can you see all sides of a situation? Seahorse as a Spirit, Totem, and Power ...
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Shark Symbolism & Meaning

Are emotions getting the best of you? Is anxiety holding you back? Do you need help adjusting to a new environment? Shark as a Spirit, Totem, and Power Animal can help! Shark teaches you how to take a bite out ...
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Shrimp Symbolism & Meaning

Shrimps are a small-sized crustacean with a long body. It gets its name from a Middle English term meaning "pygmy." So how do they differ from Prawns? Well, size does matter. While many use the terms Shrimp and Prawn interchangeably, ...
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Siamese Betta Fish Symbolism & Meaning

Betta Fish are the beauty kings and queens of the water (no prom required). Their flared fins and lustrous colors are a feast for the eyes. In Latin the proper name for the Betta, Betta splendens, the "splendens" means brilliant, ...
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Starfish Symbolism & Meaning

In the world of symbolism, Starfish illustrates the axiom "as above, so below" perfectly, looking like the stars above. Hermes Trismegistus, philosopher, and alchemist, put forward the metaphysical idea. Boiled down, it means cosmic energy has a partner, a mirror, ...
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Stingray Symbolism & Meaning

Trying to be more assertive when getting your point across? Need help with defining your direction? Stingray, as a Spirit, Totem, and Power Animal, can help! Stingray teaches you to be direct and how to find your focus. Delve deeply ...
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Swordfish Symbolism & Meaning

Swordfish are highly predatory Fish. Also known as Broadbills, Swordfish has a long pointed bill, cutting through the nonsense swiftly. The "sword" of the Fish is double-edged and reminds us of how our thoughts, words, and actions have consequences that ...
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Fish Symbolism & Meanings

Swimming into Fish symbolism and meanings, it's important to consider these creatures intimate and life-sustaining relationship with Water.

The Water Element connection gives Fish spirit the connotation of the subconscious, emotions, healing and purification.

Water animals also have connections with purposeful movement and mindful independence, but for the rough currents that sometimes hinder a goal, just as they do in our lives.

When Fish begins appearing in your life, pay attention to how it presents itself.

Some of the interpretations for Fish include:

  • The Unconscious or Higher-Self
  • Feelings
  • Motives
  • Health
  • Intelligence and Thought Processes
  • Stretching Limits
  • Deeper Awareness
  • Fertility, Birth, and Rebirth
  • Inventiveness
  • Luck
  • Change
  • The Sacred Feminine
  • Water Element

As with other large categories of Spirit creatures, the exact meaning of Fish varies not only from culture to culture but also depends on the exact species of fish.

In Greek mythology, for example, Aphrodite could turn into a fish, and in fact used that form to swim speedily away escaping harm.

Christians use a Fish to represent Christ's charity and abundance.

Neo-Pagans frequently associate Fish spirit with the Great Goddesses, especially those Beings associated with rivers, lakes and oceans.

Fish Spirit Animal

When the Fish spirit comes to you as an animal spirit guide, Lightworkers tell us that its reminding you of the feminine portion of self.

It's time to dig deep into things that you keep tucked beneath the surface of your life, explore and reconnect.

Nurture yourself as the Great Mother would, then swim freely with fish toward your next great adventure as a new you.

Fish Animal Totem

Those born with a Fish totem are so fiercely independent that they're often tempted to swim upstream.

People with Fish energy adapt to a variety of circumstances easily.

They have not simply a strong affinity for water, but need to connect with living water regularly for their well-being.

If you have a Fish Totem it's likely that you strive to develop your spirit and your mind. You may have prophetic dreams or intricately correct gut instincts.

More information about your totem depends on the species of fish.

For example, the Angel Fish is a guardian for others, Betta Fish are loners, Koi have good luck, and Sharks embody intense work ethics.

Fish Power Animal

Seek out Fish medicine (energy/spirit) when your life has become stagnant or when you need to amplify your instincts.

Fish makes a good companion when endeavoring to learn about divinatory arts. Also, if you find yourself growing too tied to one person or thing, Fish inspires renewed movement and liberation.

Fish in Celtic Symbolism

The main Fish figuring into Celtic lore is the sassy salmon who gained wisdom, creativity, and future-sight by eating magical hazel nuts that He found at a sacred well.

Because of this story, the Ogham features Salmon in a special place, presenting it as a Fish of great mystical ability. Communing with Fish spirit would give you the knowledge needed by sages and seers alike.

In the Celtic Animal Zodiac, people born between August 5 and September 1 bear the sign of the Salmon. The energetics of this Astrological sign including having great self-preservation skills.

Salmon people search long and hard for the perfect environment where they can mate – this is their safe "pool" in which the proverbial "cold fish" can love and cultivate their family.

Mentally Fish people have a hard time stilling their thoughts making meditation an excellent pastime.

Native American Symbols: Fish

Salmon plays a key role in Native American symbolism too particularly among the Northwestern tribes.

Here you will find dozens of rituals that honor Salmon along with some other food fish like the giant halibut.

Some legends depict Fish as clever shape shifters or magicians that control the Water Element.

Some tribes use Fish as a clan animal including the Ojibwe, and there is a Fish Kachina in Hopi tradition.

More Fish Symbolic Meanings:

The Chinese often give Fish as gifts, particularly Koi, for weddings as a symbol of devotion and a happy marriage. They are also an emblem of fertility.

In Buddhism, Fish is one of the 8 symbols for the enlightened Buddha (specifically a pair of golden fish).

Finally among the Norse, Fish represent determination and flexibility.