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Fawning Definition in a Sentence

I think it borders on the fawning, but provides a useful portrait nonetheless.
It is a sacrilege to his fawning American fans to think that he can do any wrong.
The modulation from aggrieved femininity to fawning submissiveness in her wooing is masterfully handled.
But here he is, threatening to go on and on, surrounded by fawning Labour ministers, backbenchers and constituency delegates.
You crave attention, the limelight, and the fawning admiration of millions.
No one will be fawning over him simply because he is a prince and likely to foot the bar bill.
Reliable code, after all, doesn't generate fawning press, or indeed any press at all.
Neither option really appealed to Darcy, but anything had to be better than spending the day with Caroline fawning over him.
As many recent examples make clear, the truth counts for nothing with the present administration and its fawning, talk-radio lickspittles.
The Roman satirists savagely expose the fawning homage heaped upon the childless rich.
Remember, he is more accustomed to interviews with fawning, gushy, fans, rather than with more hard-nosed journalists.
The band was cheerfully fielding loads of requests from fawning punkettes who wanted various parts of their bodies signing.
I just wrote a fawning little feature article about him for the NBA Finals program.
Similarly irksome is the fawning critical reception to this wretched doorstop of a book.
That will at least turn what might feel like endless fawning into a two-way conversation.
We need good-natured tolerance, not fawning submission where ethnicity is concerned.
For Norman, a beautiful young white girl fawning on his every word was one of the reasons he got into film in the first place.
Then he saw a young man come to the entrance of the courtyard, the swineherds dogs fawning upon him.
But soon you'll be making millions of dollars and girls will be fawning over you and you'll be the greatest rock star in the world.
This is in keeping with Alex's fawning and childish devotion to the inauthentic.

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You also get people fawning all over you because they've seen you on television.
Even with a fawning audience, he wouldn't tolerate a record of any sort of embarrassment.
Even the corporate media, for all its fawning cowardice, hasn't been as derelict as blog rhetoric would paint it.
Goethe, Heidegger, and Stefan Georg were all surrounded by fawning disciples.
He could have people fawning over and around him if he wanted, if that was what he wished.
They think that, like the hicks of Holcomb and the fawning highbrows of Manhattan's literary salons, we will be won over by his wit and charm.
What with his mother and Miss Darcy fawning all over him, Jeremy was certainly having a good time.
Then without sparing a moment's pity for the fawning, awkward creature that Jonas had become, Christy turned on her heels.
My mother's cat, so long terrified by my very presence, appears to be getting used to me, and now does an impressive, fawning wriggle at my feet every time I pass.
The fawning, celebrity-worshiping media should keep this in mind.
I just started writing all these fawning blog posts about her.
People are fawning over you because you are their man of the moment.
He always had lot of girlfriends, and people fawning over him.
On Monday, a parade of European diplomats paid him a visit in Ramallah, complimenting his speech and fawning over him like devoted fans greeting a television star.
That evening, once everyone had stopped fawning over Jen, the girls partied in their hotel room eating all the snacks they could bring back from the store.
South Australia seems to be the last redoubt in Australia of the fawning, bunyip Aristocracy that yearns after the good old days where everyone was in their place.
The fawning multitudes elbowed each other behind barricades to catch a 10-second glimpse of a lady who would say little, do nothing, and contribute even less.
Constantino Diaz-Duran on how the Golden Globe-nominated filmmaker dupes his fawning American fan base.
Between the Walters fawning and the Colbert debacle, Amaitis is fortunate only to be paying a record fine.
Of course, this could be explained by the admittedly large percentage of the audience composed of fawning film students.

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He contented himself with fawning attentions to his reluctant wife.
Golden bracelets clattered as she waved a heavily beringed hand while the female servant quickly slipped the goblet into her grasp with a fawning smile.
The others were above ground, taking care of daily business or fawning over the baby Holland had already named Peter, after her father.
That is why they carry on fawning instead of doing their jobs and representing people.
For years, Boswell was considered a fool, a nincompoop, a fawning sycophant who, by chance, had produced a masterpiece.
Even before the media got into the game, First Couples worried about exposing their children to the effects of a fawning or overcritical public.
He's a celebrity you can fawn over without feeling sheepish about our fawning celebrity culture.
Presidential authority also benefits from France's relatively weak and often fawning media. This has several undesirable consequences.
Women who appear in such ads are usually depicted in a fawning manner.
The current relationship between Canada and the United States is typified by two descriptors: one is fawning or subservient and the other is reactive.
Not fawning – showing the humour and brilliance of the man.
The growing furor did draw Venezuela out of its shell, but its representative was allowed to attack PAC with impunity at KP meetings, and his promises, now broken many times, were treated with fawning respect.
We know that the hon. member for Mégantic-L'Érable, a fawning minion for this government, yesterday argued that the financial authority of the rest of Canada should have priority over that of Quebec.
I fervently believe that our dialogue with China, which I support and which we must have the political will to pursue, cannot be all fawning sweet talk but must also include confrontation.
Today we learned that a series of fawning letters to the editor about the minister, sent to newspapers in Simcoe-Grey under the name Jessica Morgan, were actually written by the minister's executive assistant, Jessica Craven.
It is that arrogance which demands that the House respond to this budget, not with fawning approval but by adopting the amendment which I now place before the House.
His dog, as silent as he, was friendly without being fawning.
All this twaddle smacks of the old boy network and the fawning and erchie-licking that characterised the sport several decades ago.
Well-known people, be they political figures, entertainers, or others in the public spotlight may mask their identity to avoid the otherwise inevitable fawning.
But, after my brief turn as a junketeer, I don't think the problem is so simple as writers trading falsely fawning stories for the price of an upgrade to concierge level.

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Leopold Jessner's 1926 production at the Berlin Staatstheater portrayed Claudius's court as a parody of the corrupt and fawning court of Kaiser Wilhelm.
He did not like his spells of fawning loquacity and bursts of resentfulness.
Besides all that, Pop did not come in fawning and full of extravagant praise, as most scroungers will.
It's your fawning, slavering, favour-currying Tory that I shy at!
He accused them of fawning on the rich and despising the poor.
The voice of Emil Tesla, eager, fawning, had yet another quality in it.
Servile and fawning as he had been before, he was now as domineering and bellicose.
They came to Galazi, they sprang upon him, fawning round him, but he beat them down with the Watcher.
His anger changed to meekness, and his words were mild and fawning.
He said something that sounded like Shto ve takete, and the man fawning answered, Chetyre.
Zack spoke sympathetically as the dog, fawning, came closer.
Here was this deep cocoa complexioned woman with her hair pulled back who moved with such grace and power that I had to control myself from fawning all over her.
The Saddhu followed the policeman, fawning and supplicating.

Fawning Definition in a Sentence
